Andrena and Clint Smith – Who We Are
A Little Bit About Us…
Perhaps the greatest gift we bring to this work is our own relationship. We are two very different people, bound by love and passion, who have learned the lessons of compassion, compromise, communication and trust. For over thirty years, as we have faced the inevitable challenges of life, we have managed to remain a team and embraced the idea that we do not and will not always see eye to eye.
We understand how challenging relationships can be and take exception with the idea that we were “so lucky to find each other”. Relationships take work…we know. We have experienced “the work” first hand. Although we are skilled in our field, just like you, we continue to learn and be challenged…on a daily basis. We look forward to sharing our knowledge with you.
A little more about us…
Andrena Smith, BSW, RSW, RPC
I am deeply passionate about living a fulfilled life and believe that the key is developing and maintaining supportive, satisfying and loving relationships. As a wife, mother and professional, I have successfully survived, so far, raising three children, navigated many life challenges and have been married, to one man, for over 30 years. I have a BSW from UBC and I am a Registered Social Worker with the A.C.S.W.
Most importantly, I deeply understand just how easily some of the most important relationships in our lives have a way of becoming unbalanced and disconnected. Plain and simple; relationships can be difficult. Coupled with my conviction of the importance of relationships is my unwavering belief in the power of unconditional love, even in small doses, and its ability to heal and transform. I have a reputation of meeting people right where they are in their struggles with love, compassion and understanding. I strive to always maintain a sense of humour and with a very direct, open, no-nonsense, honest style of counselling do my utmost to support people as they become more self-aware and attune to their own wisdom.
Sometimes all we need is someone to walk beside us.
Emily Kimbrough

Clint Smith, RPC
They say life is what happens while you are busy making plans and I spent years working in the trades, getting married, staying married and raising three children. During this time I felt drawn to explore alternatives that would bring a greater sense of meaning to my life and to the lives of my growing family. The spiritual practices and philosophies of the world’s greatest cultures absorbed me for twenty years as I struggled to reconcile my beliefs and my experience. At last I recognized, as so many had done before me, that the real challenges in this life are internal and consequently difficult for the individual to identify.
After some time wandering in and out of colleges and universities around the province I was introduced to the Counselling Program at Rhodes Wellness College and I knew immediately that I had found what I had been searching for – a program that focused on working with real people and real life issues in a setting where the work was immediate and deeply curative. It became apparent that the task of helping others could not proceed until I had done the work myself and I am grateful for an experience so deeply based in self examination. I can say with certainty that there is no path that cannot be improved within this process and no circumstance that will not yield to change. There is only the great difficulty of that infamous very first step. It is a gift that I myself have received and that I feel deeply blessed to be able to share with others.
If they fail in this, it doesn’t matter much what else they find.
James A. Michener
Our intent is to provide an easy way of making ourselves more accessible to those who want to know more about our philosophy and process. With this in mind we offer free consultations so that you can ask questions and learn more about how we work.
We are deeply invested in our community and occasionally, or upon request, provide complimentary workshops to explore how relationship work can make a profound difference in our community.